Is your foot on the brake at the same time you're trying to accelerate? It’s your brain science
New read for Fogust...
I was fortunate to read an early manuscript of this new book release by ☀️ Jessica J.J. Lutz ☀️ and look forward to diving into the final version now making its way around the world!
I see Barbie gets a mention on p 110 - she was Jessica's favored doll because she wasn't a baby, she was a grown woman who knew what she wanted - Jessica and I were among the (how many, uncounted?) girls whose parents wouldn't allow us to play with the toy. Before Barbie director Greta Gerwig was even born, Barbie was a subversive force in our lives!
“A war correspondent facing burnout wonders why she suddenly feels fear when a bomb goes off at her Baghdad hotel: a clue comes when she realizes she is 4 months pregnant. To understand how her coping mechanisms no longer work, she applied her journalistic research skills to the inner conflict she experienced, and her upbringing. What comes out of it is a deep dive into the gender-based sociology, and the brain science, a review of the literature parsing it all, and a way forward, through simple exercises that anyone can do to start using our dual-sided human brain to succeed in life and work, and stay healthy and feel good about it too.”
Here’s where you can get the book in the USA: Amazon.
We know you're talking down to us and it depresses us
Women know we're being talked down to. We know we're being denied opportunities. We know we're being terrorized for the reason that someone else is sexist.
That’s what I told a podcaster last summer in an interview about misogyny and sexism. I believe misogyny leads to a low grade depression that all women experience.
Men need to engage and participate in the stamping out of misogyny. However, far too many are studiously avoidant. They’re not on the hashtags, they’re not in the conversations, they’re not sharing the revelations with their fellow men. This is not a topic they find interesting.
Newsflash: Women don’t find it ‘interesting’ either. It’s simply our reality.
A good moment for the right vanity press/publishing service
Publishing friends, authors, business women, entrepreneurs: what do you think of this new initiative from Worth Media?
A new pipeline to publishing for their subject-matter expert members to help build and further their careers,
an opportunity for people who traditionally have a harder time getting published or recognized,
to be released through an imprint/house for an established publisher (Simon & Schuster),
and author retains the rights.
My first thought? Vanity press. In a downmarket for publishing.
And then, well, okay. It's a good business opportunity to provide publishing services direct to an underserved information-rich community. And, then, hey maybe better than OK. For everyone involved, including the readers of these books. Read about it here.
Speaking on a panel at Digital Hollywood's Creativity Festival
Will you be at Digital Hollywood's Creativity Festival next week in Los Angeles? As 10 Block’s cofounder I will be speaking on a panel at the Women's Summit about content -- from film/TV, internet video and influencer campaigns to games -- Wednesday at 12:30.
The Wrap's Power Women Breakfast for Girls Who Code
Good morning at TheWrap’s #PowerWomen2018 breakfast benefit for #GirlsWhoCode at Dolby Laboratories. Heard from #femalefounders of entertainment and technology ventures as well as the mayors of Oakland and Compton. #enttech #startups #wrapwomen
TBT, speaking at Microsoft HQ Turkey to the inaugural meeting of Turkish Women's International Network
Watch the talk here, and all the talks by members of the network that aspires to become the most impactful network focusing on women in Turkey and abroad. TRWIN collaborates with companies, NGOs and individuals to amplify our collective impact and empower women to realize their potential.
I've been pleased to serve as a member of the Advisory Board of Turkish WIN since its inception.